BMA watermark crest

Seafarers & Manning

The Bahamas Maritime Authority ensures that seafarers who are employed on Bahamas ships and other vessels comply with all international and industry standards.

The Seafarers and Manning Department ensures that all seafarers employed onboard Bahamas vessels are trained and certified in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW). The BMA conducts STCW Deck & Engineering Certificate of Competency (CoC) assessments and examinations, both written and oral, in The Bahamas. For further information please refer to BMA Bulletin 104.

BMA recognises STCW certificates issued by the majority of other national maritime administrations. The Seafarers and Manning Department also approves training providers and issues certificates of competency and certificates of proficiency in accordance with IMO conventions, codes, resolutions and industry standards

Ships and units registered with The Bahamas must comply with the international and national requirements to be sufficiently and efficiently manned with appropriately trained personnel. The BMA also requires full compliance with the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 which sets out seafarers’ rights to decent conditions of work.

The Bahamas is a party to the STCW and is on the IMO White-list of countries which have given full effect to this Convention. The Seafarers and Manning Department issues all seafarers documentation, including: Certificates of Competency; Certificates of proficiency; Certificates of Recognition (endorsements), Notices of Eligibility and Seafarers’ Record Books.

Seafarers & Manning Services

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Contact a member of our Seafarers & Manning Team and for assistance with all manning enquiries.

Phone: +44 20 7562 1300
Email: [email protected]

Boris system on ipad

BORIS – Online Services

The BMA has developed an industry leading online registration information system (BORIS) for registered owners, ISM managers and authorised manning agents of Bahamas registered vessels.

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